Questionnaire on the
Recognition of EBN
1. Please fill out the
following questions; i.e., please circle an
appropriate number
from optional answers or write word(s)
and/or number(s) in parentheses.
(1) Age ( ) years old
(2) Gender @Male AFemale
(3) What subject is your major?
@Fundamental Nursing AAdult Nursing BGeriatric Nursing
CMaternal Nursing DChild Nursing EPsychiatric Nursing
FCommunity Health Nursing GClinical Medicine HSocial Medicine
IFundamental Medicine JOthers ( )
(4) What is your title?
@Professor AAssociate Professor BAssistant Professor
CAssistant DOthers
(5) What kind of degree do you have?
@Doctor AMaster BBachelor COthers (
(6) What kind of licenses do you have?
Please circle all of numbers where you have.
@Nursing APublic Health Nurse BMidwife CMedical Doctor
DOthers ( )
(7) What is the chief establishment of your university?
@National APrefecture/Municipal BPrivate
(8) How long have you been teaching now?
About (
) years
(9) Do you know about "EBN"?
@Yes, very well. AYes, I know. BNot sure.
CNo, I don't. DNo, I don't completely.
(10) Do you think that EBN is necessary for nursing researches?
@Necessary. ANot sure. BUnnecessary.
What is the reason?
( )
(11) Now, are you studying on some nursing research?
1. No.
2. Yes (If you circle here, please answer following questions).
1) Which type of your research
is quantitative or qualitative?
Quantitative. ABoth types. AMainly Qualitative.
2) Do you think that your sampling method
is scientific?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo.
3) Do you think that your research design
is scientific?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo.
4) Do you think that your
data collection is scientific?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo.
5) Do you think that your data
analysis is scientific?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo.
6) Do you think that your
interpretation of the results is scientific?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo.
2. The following questions are concerning your school works.
(12) What is your main subject?
Field (please circle an appropriate
@Fundamental Nursing AAdult Nursing BGeriatric Nursing
CMaternal Nursing DChild Nursing EPsychiatric Nursing
FCommunity Health Nursing GClinical Medicine HSocial Medicine
IFundamental Medicine JOthers( )
(13) Is the educational content of your
subject yielded by EBN?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo.
(14) In your class, do you refer academic
papers besides the textbook?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo.
3. The following questions are concerning to your subjects in
nursing sciences that
you teach in
your college/university. Please
circle an appropriate answer.
(15) From viewpoint of EBN, is your
education of Nursing Assessment scientific?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo. CNot my specialty.
/ I don't have a class.
(16) From viewpoint of EBN, is your
education of Nursing Diagnosis scientific?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo. CNot my specialty.
/ I don't have a class.
(17) From viewpoint of EBN, is your
education of Planning scientific?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo. CNot my specialty.
/ I don't have a class.
(18) From viewpoint of EBN, is your
education of Nursing Practice scientific?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo. CNot my specialty.
/ I don't have a class.
(19) From viewpoint of EBN, is your
education of Nursing Research scientific?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo. CNot my specialty.
/ I don't have a class.
4. The following questions are concerning to your clinical
instruction in nursing
you teach in your college/university.
Please circle an
appropriate answer from
viewpoint of EBN.
(20) Is your clinical instruction of
Nursing Assessment scientific?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo. CNot my specialty. / I don't have a class.
(21) Is your clinical instruction of
Nursing Diagnosis scientific?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo. CNot my specialty. / I don't have a class.
(22) Is your clinical instruction of
Planning scientific?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo. CNot my specialty. / I don't have a class.
(23) Is your clinical instruction of
Nursing Practice scientific?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo. CNot my specialty. / I don't have a class.
(24) Is your clinical instruction of
Nursing Research scientific?
@Yes. ANot sure. BNo. CNot my specialty. / I don't have a class.
5. From now on, how we will use the concept of EBN in nursing
What do you think
about the following sentences?
Please circle an appropriate
answer close to your opinion.
(25) We should use the methods based on
EBN more positively.
Yes, I agree. A
Not sure. B No, I disagree.
(26) We should use the quantitative
methods more positively in nursing research.
Yes, I agree. A
Not sure. B No, I disagree.
(27) We should use the qualitative
methods more positively in nursing research.
Yes, I agree. A
Not sure. B No, I disagree.
6. What do you think about the following
sentences? Please circle an
answer close to your opinion for the following sentences.
(28) For the selection of research
subjects in nursing researches, we should use
the random sampling and/or random allocation methods.
Yes, I agree. A
Not sure. B No, I disagree.
(29) In nursing researches, we can freely
set any sampling framework according
to the researcher's study plan.
Yes, I agree. A
Not sure. B No, I disagree.
(30) For the studies on human, it is
thought that it must be very difficult to
collect random samples required by statistics.
Yes, I agree. A
Not sure. B No, I disagree.
(31) For clinical nursing researches, it
is thought that it must be very difficult
to collect all of samples required by statistics.
Yes, I agree. A
Not sure. B No, I disagree.
(32) I think that I know the methods of
scientific data analysis.
Yes, I agree. A
Not sure. B No, I disagree.
(33) It is thought that the qualitative
study is suitable to nursing researches.
Yes, I agree. A
Not sure. B No, I disagree.
(34) It is thought that the quantitative
study is suitable to nursing researches.
Yes, I agree. A
Not sure. B No, I disagree.
(35) I think that I will gain confidence
of my lectures in myself if I can lead the
concept of EBN into nursing education.
Yes, I agree. A
Not sure. B No, I disagree.
(36) For the education based on EBN, I
don't have enough time to retrieve the
literatures concerned.
Yes, I agree. A
Not sure. B No, I disagree.
For scientific nursing researches, what kind of learning subjects will be
necessary except nursing sciences?
circle an appropriate answer to each following subject:
1. Epidemiology @Absolutely
necessary. Anecessary. BNot sure.
Cunnecessary. DAbsolutely unnecessary.
2. Statistics @Absolutely
necessary. Anecessary. BNot sure.
Cunnecessary. DAbsolutely unnecessary.
3. Fundamental @Absolutely
necessary. Anecessary. BNot sure.
Medicine Cunnecessary.
DAbsolutely unnecessary
Sociology @Absolutely
necessary. Anecessary. BNot sure.
Cunnecessary. DAbsolutely unnecessary.
5. Psychology @Absolutely necessary. Anecessary. BNot sure.
Cunnecessary. DAbsolutely unnecessary.
6. Information @Absolutely necessary. Anecessary. BNot sure.
Sciences Cunnecessary.
DAbsolutely unnecessary.
7. Other subjects if you can suggest
7. The following questions are concerned to qualitative studies.
Please circle an
appropriate answer and/or write the words.
(38) In most of qualitative studies, the
sampling methods are scientific.
@ Yes. A Not sure. B No.
(39) In most of qualitative studies, the
data collection methods are scientific.
@ Yes. A Not sure. B No.
(40) In most of qualitative studies, the
data arrangement methods are scientific.
@ Yes. A Not sure. B No.
(41) In most of qualitative studies, the
data analysis methods are scientific.
@ Yes. A Not sure. B No.
(42) In most of qualitative studies, the
conclusions are scientific.
@ Yes. A Not sure. B No.
(43) What methods of analysis are usually
used in qualitative studies?
(44) What methods of analysis are important
in qualitative studies?
8. The following questions are concerned to quantitative studies.
Please circle an
appropriate answer and/or write the words.
(45) In most of quantitative studies, the sampling methods
are scientific.
@ Yes. A Not sure. B No.
(46) In most of quantitative studies, the data collection
methods are scientific.
@ Yes. A Not sure. B No.
(47) In most of quantitative studies, the data arrangement
methods are scientific.
@ Yes. A Not sure. B No.
(48) In most of quantitative studies, the data analysis
methods are scientific.
@ Yes. A Not sure. B No.
(49) In most of quantitative studies, the conclusions are
@ Yes. A Not sure. B No.
(50) What methods of analysis are usually
used in quantitative studies?
(51) What methods of analysis are
important in quantitative studies?
9. If you would like to make additional comments and/or some opinion
about EBN
in nursing sciences, please write them below:
Thank you very much for completing
this questionnaire.
Your assistance is greatly
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